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product decisions中文是什么意思

用"product decisions"造句"product decisions"怎么读"product decisions" in a sentence


  • 产品决策


  • Product decision - making method based on marketing evaluation
  • Study of the product decision - making method based on the marketing evaluation
  • Part four poses a tourism marketing plan for guangzhou , including market positioning , image design , product decisions , promotion tactics and two marketing principles
  • Part five , poses a tourism marketing plan for henan , including market positioning , image design , product decisions , marketing principles and promotion tactics
  • The second issue is to develop new products and guide the customs on the choice of products , market trend and customer satisfaction in mind while making their product decisions , either for market share or profit purpose . in fact , market demand derives from each customer choice decision
  • Based on these judgments this paper focuses on the application of residence industry in studying consumer choice over product and the optimal product decision based on this information . the first chapter mainly analyzes the mechanism between the product decision process and customer choosing product decision process and finds that customer choice issues do have the basic factors and conditions that assumes
  • Based on these judgments , this paper focuses on the application of discrete choice model in studying consumer choice over products and the optimal product line decision based on this model . the first chapter mainly analyzes the mechanism between the product line decision process and customer choosing product decision process and finds that customer choice issue do have the basic factors and conditions that discrete choice model assumes
用"product decisions"造句  
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